Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Do We Use Water For?

Water is used all around the world. Without it there would be no world. Some of the things we use water for are drinking, preparing food, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, brushing your teeth, using the bathroom, watering the yard, and tons of other everyday tasks we use large amounts of water everyday whether we realize it or not. Water serves many different purposes, water is in the air, water is everywhere!

Water is not only used for domestic purposes, humans also use water in the industries and in agriculture. In agriculture water is mainly used to water crops, but in the industries it serves many different purposes. It can serve as an ingredient of a product we produce, but it can also be a part of the whole production process. Water can be used to cool substances in the production process, for transportation and conditioning of raw materials, for boiling or cooking, for flushing, as a cleaning agent and for product transport by shipping.

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