Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Huge Effect On Lake Michigan

In this blog we are going to be talking about the "Huge Effect On Lake Michigan". To us the the huge problem with Lake Michigan is all the pollution in the water and the invasive species that are in it. The pollution is eating our water up you can see more trash in the water than you can see water. We have to do something about this issue go to your local beach volunteer and try to pick up as much trash. As you can there is nothing wrong with helping out the earth. You know what you have to do to help Lake Michigan.
Now with the Invasive Species our fish population is decreasing because of theses creatures. Especially because of the biggest specie of them all the Asian Carp. They are eating away our fish! We need your help to try to stop them. We need to help build this medal fence under water so we can block them from our fish. Now dont you see what kind of effects that Invasive Species have on one our Great Lakes. Please help us rescue Lake Michigan. Thank You for your time.
By:Briana, Ariel, Raeven, and Jasmaine

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