Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The lake invaders are called the Asian carp. They were first discovered by scholars near the Illinois lake. The Asian carp has 2 of its kind. A big head carp, and a silver carp. These animals are extremely ugly and can grow to be huge and to be 100 pounds. These Asian carps are also eating and killing off most of the native fish to the lake Michigan. Little things like waste in our water is the cause of the Asian carp entering lake Michigan. That is why the government has spent 9 million dollars on a electric barrier to stop the Asian carp from entering lake Michigan.

Why, most of you are saying right now, "why is more fish such a problem". Well, because these kind of fish are killing off most of or fish that was native to the lake. It also is important to multi billion fishing corporations. This company makes money off catching the native fish, now since Asian carp have taken over and have reduced the population of our native fish, The company will lose a little of its money. The fish you eat at dinner, will not be there long if you don't do anything to keep Asian carp.

What you can do to help is simple:

  1. Don't continue to put waste and garbage into the lake

  2. If you fish, Don't use real live bait, the Asian carp will think its dinner. <-This is our website that we got our information.