Thursday, May 6, 2010

Great lake, red alert!!!

We learned that invasive species are very dangerous to the ecosystem in the great lakes because the food will become scarce and it will become a competition. If it becomes a competition the native will die because lack of food would get to them. The lake invaders will breed and multiply quickly and will consume the natural food source that the native fish consume. This could then spread yo other great lakes. This could also harm or destroy the ecosystems. We need to stop this from happening. is a website helping this cause.
Here are some things that will help us from getting invasive species in our lakes. Don't dump live bait in the lake. Clean off your boat thoroughly. If you find an invasive specices alert someone. If you happen to catch an invasive specices dispose of it and don't throw it back. We need to help the lake and keep our native great lake specices alive. Following these instructions will help towards this cause and lead to a safer ecosystem. KEEP OUR NATIVE SPECICES ALIVE!

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