Sunday, May 23, 2010

Save our Lake by all means

Chicago was built in this very location because of its access to water. Lake Michigan and the other Great lakes hold one-fifth of the Earth's fresh water. One might ask, with so much water nearby why worry about wasting it? As caretakers of this resource it is our duty to take care of it for future generations. That means do what ever you can to help our lake. some of the smallest things may hurt. just like the Asian carp, the Asian carp may not seem so bad because its a fish and fish like water right? but this small problem is eating all Lake Michigan's native fish. This problem is not so small any more is it.
So if i were you i would think about what could possibly happen if you were to throw a bottle into the lake or if you were to poor chemicals down a storm drain. These small things could make a big impact so next time you see someone (or yourself) about to throw something in the lake stop them and tell them what do you think could happen if you did that.
These are very important things to think about because think about it if we have all this water but the water is to polluted to drink even after being filtered. That is why you should save as much water as possible and do not pollute the water you cant save.
If you or someone else in your community feel that a business or someone is polluting water tell your parent or an older adult so that we can save our lakes by all means.

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